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Professional Processing Hose Assembly

Dec. 04, 2023

Professional Processing Hose Assembly

NO.1  How to make Assembly

Assembly made by one hose and two end fittings . Common assembly assembly methods are divided into two types: longitudinal withholding and transverse withholding.

What information must be confirmed when processing the assembly?

①Hose part: inner diameter, outer diameter, transported medium, and working pressure

②Fitting part: thread, pitch, sealing surface

③The length of the assembly and the assembly angle

If you don’t have enough information, please remember to follow the instructions below!

In addition to basic product information, professional equipment and strict operating methods are also key to processing the assembly.

We use the UNI-FLEX crimping machine imported from Germany, professional automation equipment and dynamic pressure testing equipment to effectively reduce production errors and ensure that the assembly is fully tested before leaving the factory!

Professional Processing Hose Assembly

NO.2  How to Measure Assembly

Usually the length of the assembly is represented by "L", and is often measured based on the end face of the fitting core or the center of the elbow.

It is also possible to provide only the length of the hose section

The cutting length of the assembly has a tolerance of ±3cm.

Professional Processing Hose Assembly

NO.3  How to Measure Displacement Angle

Place the hose assembly on the same straight line, with one fitting in the vertical direction;

Measure the angle between the other connector and the vertical connector in a clockwise direction. This angle is the assembly angle.

The assembly angle of the assembly is allowed to be ±3°

NO.4  Hose Assembly Storage requirements

● If possible,the storing temperature range is within 0-35°C,duringstoring temperature should not exceed 50°C.

● The storing areas can not place equipments which can produce ozone.For example,mercury vapour lamps,high voltage electrical and otherequipments which can produce spark or set out electricity.

● Can not be placed with erosive products or exposed over volatile gas ofthese products.

● Far away from heat source and equipments which can produce electricfield or magnetic field.

● Avoid sunshine or strong artificial light source.

● Avoid to touch the sharp objects or the ground.

● Can not be piled up too high.

● Guarantee against rodent attacking.

● Observe the rule of "First in,then first out"

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Email & Skype: sophie@chnhose.com   


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